
ELDONCARD: HOME BLOOD TYPE TESTING KIT    Currently ONLY shipping to the UK    EldonCard is the most trusted and accurate diagnostic tool for point-of-care (near patient-testing) and home-testing of blood typing of the ABO-, and Rhesus systems. Once the test is complete, you have the option of preserving the result for your records in…




   Currently ONLY shipping to the UK   

EldonCard is the most trusted and accurate diagnostic tool for point-of-care (near patient-testing) and home-testing of blood typing of the ABO-, and Rhesus systems.

Once the test is complete, you have the option of preserving the result for your records in a convenient credit card format.

Knowing your blood type can help you understand your health better; it is also needed for blood donations and important for safe pregnancies. Most critically, it could save your life if you need an emergency blood transfusion. You can learn your blood type in just a couple of minutes using the EldonCard.

Depending on the antigen on the red blood cells the blood type is classified by two elements: The ABO grouping system and the Rhesus (Rh) factor which is either present (Rh positive) or not present (Rh negative). For example, if you have A antigens on your red blood cells, your blood type is A. If someone has both A and B antigens, they are type AB. If you do not have any antigens on the surface of red blood cells, your blood type is O. For each antigen on the blood cell, the opposite antibody is produced in the plasma. For example, type B blood has anti-type A antibodies. Receiving blood that’s incompatible with one’s own blood type may trigger a serious immune response that can be fatal. While there are more than 20 blood-type systems, ABO and Rh are by far the most important.

The Home Blood Type Test Kit contains everything you need to test your blood type:

  • EldonCard for blood test
  • Single use sterile lancet
  • Pipet (dropper)
  • Alcohol prep pad
  • Four EldonSticks
  • Illustrated instructions
  • EldonFoil

The blood type test is easy to use for everyone*: You simply prick a tiny hole in your fingertip, let a large drop of blood fall onto an EldonStick and transfer your blood to the four reagent circles. Wait for 40 seconds and the card tells you what blood type you have.

*Please make sure you read the instructions fully BEFORE starting.

How to read the results?

How to read the results The presence or absence of agglutinates Agglutinates may look different from field to field, see the examples below. The possible combinations of agglutinates and the corresponding blood types are shown to the right. Any test producing a weak agglutinate must be repeated. will show the blood type. If an agglutinate is seen in the control field, the result is invalid.


How does the Eldon home blood test type work?

The Eldon Blood Type Test contains the EldonCard on which there are four circles with antibody reagents. These antibodies will agglutinate with the corresponding antigens, if you have the antigens in your blood. When you have dropped your blood on the four circles, some of them will start agglutinating and in the guide which comes with the Eldon Blood Type Test you can see which blood type you have according to which antibody fields react.

Why should you know your blood type?

  • Know who you are compatible with for blood transfusions
  • For pregnancy,  if your blood is Rh-negative and your baby’s blood is Rh-positive, you may need to receive an immunoglobulin injection.
  • Useful for anyone wants to follow a blood-group diet

For detailed instructions on please download the instructions and/or watch the video below.





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